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Elderly Care
Healthy Food Ideas to Boost Appetite for Elderly Loved Ones this Holiday Season

Do you struggle to find food ideas that are holiday-appropriate, nutritious and healthy yet appetizing for the elders as well as the rest of the family? We have 8 ideas to help you plan your upcoming holiday menu that can stimulate the appetite of everyone, especially the elderly with poor appetite. The ideas can also be applied to everyday cooking all year round. Let us dig into it!

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Caregiver Stress & Burnout: The Importance of Self-Care & Getting Help

Caregiver stress manifests as frustration, anger, cynicism, neglect, guilt, and at its peak, caregiver burnout. In this article, we discuss caregiver stress and caregiver burnout, how to recognise their signs and symptoms, and offer 6 strategies to prevent caregiver stress. Read on for bonus tips on how to avoid caregiver stress during holiday times and make the most of festive occasions for both yourself and the person you care for.

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Mental Health
Anxiety Disorder and Its Psychological, Physical Consequences

Anxiety disorder is among the most common mental illnesses, and also one of the top disease burdens in Singapore. In this article, we discuss anxiety disorders and how to differentiate between anxiety disorder and regular daily anxiety. You will also learn about the different types of anxiety disorder, its causes, signs and symptoms, treatment, psychological and physical consequences. Read on for tips to manage anxiety disorder in oneself or help a loved one overcome it.

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Heart Care
Heart Screening: Know Your Cardiovascular Risk

A heart health check, or heart screening, or cardiovascular screening can help detect and prevent the risks for common cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. In this article, we will discuss what a heart health check is, why it is important, who and by which age should have their heart health screened, and what a heart screening typically entails. Read on for tips to manage your risk and prevent cardiovascular incidents, especially among higher-risk individuals with high blood pressure, high cholesterols, diabetes, sleep apnea or mental health problems.

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Mental Health
Mental Health & Heart Health: The Intricate Link

How do heart diseases lead to mental health problems, and vice versa? This article discusses the linkage between mental health and heart conditions, guiding you to recognise the signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment for both when they are linked.

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Heart Care
Sleep Apnea vs. Snoring: Knowing the Difference

If I snore loudly, do I have sleep apnea? Read this article to learn how to differentiate between snoring and sleep apnea, the consequences of untreated sleep apnea, its signs and symptoms, and diagnosis & treatment available.

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Palliative Care
After Stroke Care at Home: How Palliative Care can Help

Ninkatec's Palliative Care Guide for Stroke covers the common long-term effects of strokes, the most critical recovery period in stroke rehabilitation, the role of palliative care in stroke recovery, and how to provide palliative care to stroke patients at home and improve their quality of life. After-stroke care is critical to improve various side effects from stroke, ranging from difficulty speaking and swallowing, weakness and paralysis on one side of body, to changes in behaviours and temperament. Stroke rehab therefore calls for multiple medical specialties, including nursing care for stroke, physiotherapy, speech therapy. With the right care and support, many stroke patients can reclaim their hope and life.

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Heart Care
The Effects of Lack of Sleep to our Heart Health: How to Sleep Better & Protect our Heart?

Getting enough sleep is crucial for physical and mental health. Frequent lack of sleep increases the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases or other disorders that may worsen heart diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart failure, and stroke. Read on for tips on how to sleep better by making lifestyle changes and seeking medical help when necessary.

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Dementia Care
Palliative Care for Dementia - Your General Guide

Palliative care has been proven to be beneficial for both dementia patients and their caregivers and families. In this Palliative Care Guide for Dementia, we discuss the various aspects of palliative care for dementia, how it can be incorporated into home care, and how you can get palliative care for dementia in Singapore.

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Ninkatec also operates in-clinic GP services under Charazoi Medical Clinic, and caregiver services under Comfort Keepers Singapore. Visit our sister websites to find out more.

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