This article answers essential questions about hypertension, such as why hypertension is called a silent killer, does hypertension always cause headache, what do two numbers of blood pressure mean and more.
This article answers essential questions about hypertension, such as why hypertension is called a silent killer, does hypertension always cause headache, what do two numbers of blood pressure mean and more.
Untreated diabetes can cause kidney diseases, kidney failure, ulcer, glaucoma, loss of vision. Learn how to recognise early diabetes symptoms, get treated for diabetes and prevent diabetes complications in this article.
Chronic diseases like the '3 highs' - high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes or high blood sugar - are hard to manage because most of the management is 'homework'. In this interview with Dr. Choo Wei Chieh, we learn about how to manage chronic conditions better at home, and common pitfalls and misconceptions to avoid.
The risks for cardiovascular and heart diseases increase markedly with age. In this interview with Dr Woo Jia Wei of Sunrise General Medical and Heart Service, we discuss the most common heart diseases among elderly in Singapore, how to differentiate stroke, heart attack and cardiac arrest, as well as treatment and prevention for those.
Colorectal cancer symptoms are highly non-specific, which explains the difficulty of diagnosing this condition during the early stages. In this article, we cover early symptoms and signs of colorectal cancer, risk factors, treatment options, including palliative care for colorectal cancer, and recommended screening options in Singapore.
Medical Oncologist Dr Donald Poon answers top 10 questions about cancer in Singapore, and share advice for people in different stages of cancer treatment who needs cancer care at home.
Through declining brain function, dementia can disrupt eating patterns, make patients lose interest in food or develop unhealthy cravings. Read our blog article to understand how dementia affects appetite and learn useful nutrition tips for you to help your loved one with dementia eat better.
Recovery from acute medical conditions such as appendicitis, pneumonia, or broken bones often takes longer in elderlies. The risk of complications may increase due to aging and co-existing medical conditions. Read this article to learn the do’s and don’ts to help elderlies heal from acute conditions more safely.
Untreated mental disorders may impair daily functioning, physical health and create adverse effect on individual's relationship with others. Find out about the symptoms of mental illnesses and factors affecting or causing mental health problems. Although psychological medications are available to regulate mental disorders, they are not for every case and may have side effects. It is important to improve our mental wellness by adopting healthy habits and mentally beneficial techniques.
Ninkatec also operates in-clinic GP services under Charazoi Medical Clinic, and caregiver services under Comfort Keepers Singapore. Visit our sister websites to find out more.