Elderly Care
Preventing & Managing Diabetes Complications at Home

Common complications of diabetes include heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, nerve damange, skin issues, numbness, infections, hearing loss, blindness, stomach issue, and more. Diabetics should adhere to diabetes treatment, monitor blood sugar levels and blood pressure, take care of their skin, feet, mouth and eyes, and attend regular health screenings to minimise the risk and severity of diabetes complications.

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Elderly Care
Common Kidney Diseases among Elderly: Diabetes & High Blood Pressure as Leading Risk Factors

Singapore ranks #1 in the world for diabetes-induced kidney failures. People above 60 years old with high blood pressure and diabetes are at particularly high risk. Find out how diabetes and high blood pressure can lead to kidney diseases and kidney failures and what you can do to protect kidney health for yourself and loved ones from this article.

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Elderly Care
Hypertension: How To Manage High Blood Pressure at Home and Avoid Complications

This article answers essential questions about hypertension, such as why hypertension is called a silent killer, does hypertension always cause headache, what do two numbers of blood pressure mean and more.

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Ninkatec also operates in-clinic GP services under Charazoi Medical Clinic, and caregiver services under Comfort Keepers Singapore. Visit our sister websites to find out more.

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